‘Humans now have an attention span shorter than a goldfish’. A lion’s share of such news headlines can be attributed to the omnipresence of digital devices in post-pandemic era. The young school students have been hit the worst with the forced shift to online learning.

Good institutions create good individuals, great institutions create good culture. The best schools in Baddi inculcate productive study habits in their pupils in addition to producing excellent academic results. The key to effective learning in CBSE schools in Baddi is not studying or learning for higher number of hours, but strengthening the foundational concepts. The purpose of this blog is to prepare all of our students on how to improve their study habits using these important useful techniques.

Find a place to study regularly Consistency is key to learning, so do your best to make it a habit! Finding a comfortable and inspiring place at home to immerse yourself in a subject is a good idea.

The environment should be whatever suits you best — be it complete silence, light background music, or a livelier atmosphere. Give it some thought and try a few different places. The sooner you find the right place for you, the faster you can learn effectively.

2. Stay away from your cell phone
Avoiding distractions is the key to proper concentration. Try not to respond to phone calls or texts, this will break your concentration and you will lose focus.
Your education is a priority and everyone in your circle of friends should understand. If you’re really worried about having your phone near you in an emergency, give yourself some study breaks so you can take the time to review your alerts and messages.

3. Short Sessions are more productive
Have you ever woken up late at night and spent more energy keeping your eyelids open than you studying? If so, it’s time for a change. Successful students manage to space their work over smaller intervals of time and rarely attempt to cramp up their study schedule into just one or two sittings. If you want to be successful in your career, you have to be consistent in your effort. You need to plan sessions of not more than two hours to sustain energy. While studying every day may seem like a daunting task, it will help you stay connected and avoid the stress of being trampled on at the last minute.

4. Plan and Prioritize
You have to prioritize the most important tasks that need to be done right now and avoid multitasking which might be less proactive. Planning your study time is very important and especially before a major exam. Creating a custom studying plan allows you to give yourself a plan to stick to. Apart from that, it also ensures that your learning methods are organized and that you can relax and enjoy some private time between subjects. You can make the most of your study time by setting an alarm, using a wall planner, creating a to-do list, and setting a time limit for each task.

5. Start with the most difficult topics first
Since your most challenging task or topic will need the most effort and mental energy, you should begin with it first. Once you’ve done the difficult topics, the rest will seem a lot easier. Chart out the schedule

How Online Classes are Transforming Education Amidst Crisis

6. Learn as much as possible offline
When you’re studying, you want to focus, which means limiting all the annoying distractions that occur while you’re online. Turn off your internet connection and give your brain the rest it needs to focus. And while you’re at it, try not to use the laptop to take notes. This may seem like strange advice, but study tells that writing notes by hand is a much active way of learning. When you write notes by hand, your brain learns the meaning of what you wrote. But when you use a laptop, you don’t dig deep into what you’ve learned.

orignal source- https://medium.com/@vipschoolbaddi/how-students-can-maintain-good-study-habits-35a156cf283 

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